What is it?
Women A.S.K. is a Rotherham based women’s mental health support group for women over 18 years old.

How much is it?
It’s free! No obligation to talk – listening to others and their stories is sometimes all you need to know you are not alone!

When is it?
Every Wednesday 7pm-9pm

Do I need to have a mental health condition or diagnosis to attend?
Absolutely not. No medical condition is required, no referral necessary and no waiting list. Just turn up, grab a brew and have a chat.

Where is it?
We currently hold sessions at the Rawmarsh Health Centre, Rotherham. (Click the link for directions).

I’m interested, tell me more:
We are confidential and non-judgmental – no one needs to know you come or why. No medical referral needed – just pop along , have a cuppa, talk, listen and support in an all female, peer-to-peer, safe environment.
The facilitators who run the group have no medical training and are not counsellors – they are just women on their own journeys with their own stories to share who want to help others.

We base our chats around 5 questions:
1. How Have you been since last Wednesday?
2. Weekly rant
3. Highlight from the last 7 days?
4. and 5. Change weekly and aim to provoke happy thoughts and memories to leave with a smile

What is said in the room stays in the room!
The first step is always the hardest but once you take it, things will become easier.

So, if you are struggling or have family or friends that are – we are here to support you!

Andy’s Man Club

We’re massive supporters of the excellent work Andy’s Man Club have already achieved and continue to achieve each week. They’re a nationwide peer-to-peer support group for men, to get men talking.

Remember, #itsokaytotalk and #itsokaynottobeokay

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